Current Research
In this web page you can get an overall idea on my current research works and main projects towards my PhD.
If you want to know about the other works that I am carrying out with my colleagues and peers, please visit this page.
Know more about the research of IPPM at its official webpage
updated on January 2023
AI assisted prognostic health monitoring of polymer composites
This work presents a novel artificial neural network (ANN) framework for fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites under fatigue loading, which incorporates dielectric state variables to predict the life (durability) and residual strength (damage tolerance) from real-time acquired dielectric permittivity of the material.
SHM of polymer composites under hygrothermal loading using AI & dielectric Analysis
The principal objective of this study is to employ non-destructive broadband dielectric spectroscopy/impedance spectroscopy and machine learning techniques to estimate the moisture content in FRP composites under hygrothermal aging. The physics behind the hygrothermal aging of the composites has then been interpreted by comparing the model attributes to see which characteristics most strongly influence the predictions.
Multi-Mode Fatigue Testing Machine for composites
Fatigue test is an important characterization technique to better understand the service life of composite parts. Typical tension tension fatigue tests require commercial machines which are very costly and related to elevated risk due to the hydraulic components. In this research work, we are developing a multi-mode fatigue testing machine which will be able to carry out two different type of fatigue tests:
End loaded bending fatigue test
Torsion fatigue test
The Primary design phase is completed. Now the assembly and coding part is being developed.
This machine will cost less than 2000$ and coded in Python, which will ensure its adaptation in small-to-large labs where experimental mechanics is a topic of study. We believe, upon completing the project it can be published as an open source design soon.
[more to follow...]
Real-time strain field measurement using DIC (RealPi2dDIC)
Studying strain is one of the most important parts in the mechanical testing of materials. A number of techniques are being used to study this particular which includes direct data accumulation from the cross head movement of the testing apparatus, using strain gauges(extensometer, etc.), optical fiber, etc. These techniques are often misleading as they only show global strain instead of the local strain values. The test specimen under load does not develop exact same strain throughout its body. So, the local strain is never equal to the global strain.
For quantitative in-plane deformation measurement of a planar object surface, 2D Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a practical and effective tool. This is now widely excepted in the field of experimental mechanics. It directly provides full-field displacements to sub-pixel accuracy and full field strains by doing comparison of the digital images of a test specimen surface captured before and after deformation. This tool is very handy in terms of acquiring accurate local strain data compared to the above mentioned methods.
We have developed a Picamera and Raspberry Pi based system, which can produce local strain field in Real-time and produce accurate results. Not to mention, the overall cost of this setup is below 100$, compared to the professionally available ones which can cost more than 30,000 to 40,000$. The software is developed on Python and is published on github under MIT license. [Link]
Know more about this:
Audio-Feedback based Failure Detection
At IPPM, we have to do fatigue tests for composite panels which can take hours to run to break.
For this issue, we have installed an Audio Based Feedback system which can detect the High Noise of composite break and sends an email notification to the user along with an image of the break.
It is helping us saving a lot of time as we can test more samples now and it is increasing our productivity.
What is Strong bond? how can we predict composite bond performance?
Achievement: 1st place honors in the REU category at the UTA College of Engineering’s Virtual Innovation Day!
Project Team Members: Monalisa Karim, Damon Latham
Mentors and Coordinators: Minhazur Rahman, Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Vamsee Vadlamudi, Partha Pratim Das
Faculty Advisor: Rassel Raihan
Abstract: The aerospace, marine, and automotive industries, among others, are using composite materials in abundance, due to the reduced weight and increased structural performance. The primary challenge facing composite materials is a lack of understanding on how to bond different composite materials to make structures and, concordant, predict their strength and performance. The goal of the project is to assess the material state of the bonded joints using Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy and Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Current.
In-house developed Micro tensile testing machine (MTTM)
The machine is a low cost, desktop size, open source, Tensile testing machine, designed for inexpensive high-throughput material testing. The design was done and provided by Creative Machines Lab from Columbia University.
Here at IPPM…
•Parts were assembled using the directions from the manual
•A Graphical User Interface(GUI) is developed using Python
•The developed program controls MTTM in Displacement Control Mode
Change log v1.0.2
•Speed, Displacement of Cross-head and force are calibrated
•Two samples can be tested simultaneously
•Data Acquisition feature added
•Real-time Plot feature added
•GUI is upgraded to make it more User-friendly